Our team of professionals are introduced as follows.
Elia Sterling

Since receiving a
professional degree in Architecture in 1979 Mr. Sterling has pursued a career in research and consulting
on indoor air quality and building science and technology that has resulted in over 100 peer reviewed
articles and conference presentations. Throughout his career Mr. Sterling has been involved in the
development of North American Building Codes and Standards and Occupational Regulations related to
indoor air quality, ventilation and thermal comfort. Mr. Sterling was a member of the development
committee for the internationally recognized ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 “Ventilation for Acceptable
Indoor Air Quality “and is now a liaison for the committee charged with the continuous maintenance
process of that influential standard.
As for practical field experience, Mr. Sterling has conducted indoor air quality assessments on buildings
encompassing over 500 million square feet of office, commercial and hospitality space. For this work, Mr.
Sterling has shared in a number of awards including the BC Hydro Design Excellence Award and the CANMET
C2000 Advanced Commercial Buildings Program Award.
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