Enhance tenant satisfaction by managing indoor air quality effectively. Indoor air quality is one of the
most important challenges facing building managers and operators today. The TSA Proactive IAQ Management
Program is designed to build on and be integrated with the existing O&M programs in the buildings managed
by our clients.
Our IAQ management program provides an on-going archive of air quality in a building for documentation of historical IAQ performance. The program assists building operators to maximize building performance and occupant satisfaction. In addition, the IAQ Management Program provides critical documentation necessary for both demonstration of regulatory compliance and protection from and defense of litigation. The results of the proactive IAQ monitoring in each building are compared with established regulatory standards and with recommended guidelines. In the absence of regulatory standards and guidelines, data available through the TSA proprietary Building Performance Database Our cost-effective IAQ program includes regularly scheduled test periods, and should be combined with prudent preventative maintenance practices. Each test period includes: • Walkthrough inspections of the occupied space and the accessible components of the HVAC systems, • Field audit baseline air quality measurements for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust levels, temperature and relative humidity, • Archival documentation of results, including comparison with regulatory standards, recommended guidelines and previous test periods. Back to Services Main |