The radon guideline level for Canadian buildings has been reduced to a 1/4 of what it used to be. Buildings that once were considered to not be at risk to radon levels may now be exceeding guideline levels. Call us for more info.

Theodor Sterling Associates is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm
providing indoor air quality, environmental and a variety of occupational
hygiene & safety consulting services to clients in Canada, the United States
and South America.
The company's main area of expertise is indoor air quality and mould
investigations but the recent addition of new team members permits us to
professionally conduct asbestos surveys, develop asbestos management
programs, conduct worker exposure assessments for a variety of workplace
contaminants and help you meet the requirements of various health and safety
Located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Theodor Sterling Associates has been
providing quality consulting and technical support for more than 30 years.
For more Information call us toll free at: 877.993.9933
Theodor Sterling Associates Limited
Suite 310
1122 Mainland St.
British Columbia
V6B 5L1 Canada
telephone: 604.681.2701
toll free: 877.993.9933
fax: 604.681.2702
email: info@sterlingiaq.com
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